26th October already
So it means i've got 11 days to sink my head inside those books and try to absorb as much as i can to answers those objective papers correctly.
Why do they have to change the format? i prefer subjective papers, at least u could choose some of the points instead reading all of it.
Based on previous results, it seems okay..not like u can go ga ga about but yeah i'm satisfied, what i give..i get back.Obviously..i have to work double hard & super smart to get good grades..have to improve my cgpa since ive already put a standard. there's no way i could get under what i've earned.
So Please God, help me to achieve this..=) i know You will always be there for me.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Abu The Mc'Furry
I've adopted him almost 6 years ago dekat pusat kebajikan kucing or known as SPCA. He wasn't that fat and not even fluffy sebab ada masalah bulu so kena cukur almost semua, tapi nak jugak adopt sebab nak persian cat breed. Masa mula-mula, he was not that friendly either..tak manja pon. Start bulu dia dah okay and tumbuh sikit-sikit..that's when it all get started..=) Abu is the name given..tak glamour lansung kan..somehow he likes it..kalau panggil je datang..he's a darling to everyone sebab sangat pandai..lihat saja video ni *sebelum tu, sila abaikan the disturbing voice inside this video*
lompat-lompat macam lah kat circus
Kalau nak tau..dia suka kalau ada guest datang..he can even smells if the person likes him..
tengok ni..too friendly dengan my besties
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angelic eyes *yeah right* |
pandai betul berlakon
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the camera loves me ! *kata abu dalam hati* |
Actually all the pics are not recently taken, quite a few months ago. I'll upload the latest one soon. Abu Giant can't wait to pose again. Tunggu ye. Sediakan makanan kucing sekali kalau anda baik hati. =)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Orang kata Jangan, Janganlah =)
"Sebarkanlah ajaranku walau satu ayat pun" (Sabda Rasulullah SAW)
"Nescaya Allah memperbaiki bagimu amalan-amalanmu dan mengampuni bagimu dosa-dosamu. Dan barangsiapa mentaati Allah dan Rasul-Nya, maka sesungguhnya ia telah mendapat kemenangan yang besar." (Surah Al-Ahzab:71)
Sebagai manusia biasa, kita tak terlepas dari dosa kecil mahupun dosa besar. A reminder to all muslims and myself. Sometimes benda-benda yang kecil kita terlepas pandang kan, Ini as a general guide sahaja..
Moga kita selalu dalam perlindunganNya.
- Jangan sengaja lewatkan solat. Perbuatan ini Allah tidak suka. Kalau tertidur lain cerita.
- Jangan masuk ke bilik air tanpa memakai alas kaki (selipar). Takut kalau-kalau terbawa keluar najis, mengotori seluruh rumah kita.
- Jangan makan dan minum dalam bekas yang pecah atau sumbing. Makruh kerana ia membahayakan.
- Jangan biarkan pinggan mangkuk yang telah digunakan tidak berbasuh. Makruh dan mewarisi kepapaan.
- Jangan tidur selepas solat Subuh, nanti rezeki mahal (kerana berpagi-pagi itu membuka pintu berkat).
- Jangan makan tanpa membaca BISMILLAH dan doa makan. Nanti rezeki kita dikongsi syaitan.
- Jangan keluar rumah tanpa niat untuk membuat kebaikan. Takut-takut kita mati dalam perjalanan.
- Jangan pakai sepatu atau selipar yang berlainan pasangan. Makruh dan mewarisi kepapaan.
- Jangan biarkan mata liar di perjalanan. Nanti hati kita gelap diselaputi dosa. Jangan menangguh taubat bila berbuat dosa kerana mati boleh datang bila-bila masa.
- Jangan ego untuk meminta maaf pada ibu bapa dan sesama manusia kalau memang kita bersalah.
- Jangan mengumpat sesama rakan taulan, Nanti rosak persahabatan kita hilang bahagia.
- Jangan lupa bergantung kepada ALLAH dalam setiap kerja kita. Nanti kita sombong apabila berjaya. Kalau gagal kecewa pula.
- Jangan bakhil untuk bersedekah. Sedekah itu memanjangkan umur dan memurahkan rezeki kita.
- Jangan banyak ketawa. Nanti mati jiwa.
- Jangan biasakan berbohong, kerana ia adalah ciri-ciri munafik dan menghilangkan kasih orang kepada kita.
- Jangan suka menganiaya manusia atau haiwan. Doa makhluk yang teraniaya cepat dimakbulkan ALLAH.
- Jangan terlalu susah hati dengan urusan dunia. Akhirat itu lebih utama dan hidup di sana lebih lama dan kekal selamanya.
- Jangan mempertikaikan kenapa ISLAM itu berkata JANGAN. Sebab semuanya untuk keselamatan kita. ALLAH lebih tahu apa yang terbaik untuk hamba ciptaanNya.
tulis macam tulis message dalam hp
Ye, saya mengaku kalau tulis dalam bahasa melayu, banyak singkatan perkataan kan. sorry, memang tak bagus untuk kanak-kanak yang membaca. Mana lah tau dalam essay exam tulis macam tu, mana boleh..So i will try my best not to do that again. Tapi, rasa awkward la tulis dalam full sentences maklumlah,,it's been ages since i finished my study.
Don't worry. I'll improve in my next post k.
=) have a nice day
Ye, saya mengaku kalau tulis dalam bahasa melayu, banyak singkatan perkataan kan. sorry, memang tak bagus untuk kanak-kanak yang membaca. Mana lah tau dalam essay exam tulis macam tu, mana boleh..So i will try my best not to do that again. Tapi, rasa awkward la tulis dalam full sentences maklumlah,,it's been ages since i finished my study.
Don't worry. I'll improve in my next post k.
=) have a nice day
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The best iklan ever!!
kalau cakap pasal iklan di Malaysia, tak banyak yang based on religious aspects. Suma banyak pasal hiburan aje. Kalau nak jadikan cerita, tunggu raya or bulan puasa baru nak buat iklan yang ada mesej atau good example. Pastu kesedaran pon bermusim la. Sepatutnya jadikan iklan tu sebagai mesej for everyday life, lagi bagus kalau berunsur keislaman because what i can see Malaysia is an islamic country but actually not fully practices all aspects especially on electronic media such as tv programmes. Kenapa macam tu.. =( banyak pasal hiburan aja. Macam mana muslimin & muslimat and the next generation nak berkembang kalau media electronic tak siarkan program yang sepatutnya.
I think most of the tv programmes and Adverts byk tak appropriate.especially television swasta
Cubalah contohi iklan macam ni
Bagus kan, ni lah baru negara Islam =)
Tengok ni, kalau lah betul-betul ada lelaki macam ni
Harus Makan dengan adab, Kalau tak kenyang tu,
makan dengan syaitan rupanya.Nauzubillah,mintak dijauhkan
Rasa-rasa kan, bila Malaysia nak siarkan iklan macam ni..=)
Ye la, iklan simple..bukan nye perlu technology canggih-canggih..asalkan ada mesej pon dah Alhamdulillah. Kalau orang tengok hari-hari, insyaAllah akan start pelan-pelan, lama-lama ikutan, akhirnya amalan.
Kan ramai expertise dekat Malaysia ni. Is there anybody willing to take the chance and develop changes in Malaysia's advertising?
I'll be waiting..harap-harap ada lah dan kita tak terlambat.
I think most of the tv programmes and Adverts byk tak appropriate.especially television swasta
Cubalah contohi iklan macam ni
Bagus kan, ni lah baru negara Islam =)
Tengok ni, kalau lah betul-betul ada lelaki macam ni
Harus Makan dengan adab, Kalau tak kenyang tu,
makan dengan syaitan rupanya.Nauzubillah,mintak dijauhkan
Rasa-rasa kan, bila Malaysia nak siarkan iklan macam ni..=)
Ye la, iklan simple..bukan nye perlu technology canggih-canggih..asalkan ada mesej pon dah Alhamdulillah. Kalau orang tengok hari-hari, insyaAllah akan start pelan-pelan, lama-lama ikutan, akhirnya amalan.
Kan ramai expertise dekat Malaysia ni. Is there anybody willing to take the chance and develop changes in Malaysia's advertising?
I'll be waiting..harap-harap ada lah dan kita tak terlambat.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Mrs Heels
i've got this obsess feelings for heels. Teruk kan. swap men for heels.
Been wondering what is it like to wear Jimmy Choo ? Selesa ke or does it just pleasant in the eyes but not your feet?
hem..for someone who earns millions of cash probably will have a weekend shopping and grab Stuart Weitzman or even Christian Louboutin. Kalau Duit macam air..boleh la shopping macam tu. unlike me. Jobless and penniless.
Saya bukan nak yang mahal sangat. The one that i can afford like Aldo. am not going to withdraw any of my savings just for the sake of heels. i'll wait. =) Yes i can wait ..fortune will come for those who wait. I believe in that. *tunggu SALE la ape lagi*
So next the next paycheck will be invested on Aldo. The peep toe is insanely gorgeous and comfortable.=) simple yet elegant
Aldo Peep toe This is my future sweetheart
Actually there are plenty of shoes that are in my list. They are not designer shoes but looks like one though. =) Here , take a look. They are waiting for me to buy them all.

It's not that i'm a materialistic person.hello who isn't? I mean , it depends on how can you control your wants and your needs. =) Basically, i need heels. i can't even walk properly if i wear slippers or wedges. i think i look funny. so it's not what i want.. it's what i need. =)
Been wondering what is it like to wear Jimmy Choo ? Selesa ke or does it just pleasant in the eyes but not your feet?
hem..for someone who earns millions of cash probably will have a weekend shopping and grab Stuart Weitzman or even Christian Louboutin. Kalau Duit macam air..boleh la shopping macam tu. unlike me. Jobless and penniless.
Saya bukan nak yang mahal sangat. The one that i can afford like Aldo. am not going to withdraw any of my savings just for the sake of heels. i'll wait. =) Yes i can wait ..fortune will come for those who wait. I believe in that. *tunggu SALE la ape lagi*
So next the next paycheck will be invested on Aldo. The peep toe is insanely gorgeous and comfortable.=) simple yet elegant

Actually there are plenty of shoes that are in my list. They are not designer shoes but looks like one though. =) Here , take a look. They are waiting for me to buy them all.

It's not that i'm a materialistic person.hello who isn't? I mean , it depends on how can you control your wants and your needs. =) Basically, i need heels. i can't even walk properly if i wear slippers or wedges. i think i look funny. so it's not what i want.. it's what i need. =)
Saturday, October 9, 2010
i'm so jealous
For once in my lifetime, can i just go to a concert? I promise i will behave. I KNOW, that's not going to HAPPEN.
nak pegi Konsert Maher Zain!! Tahu tak sangat kecewa sebab saya tahu saya takkan dapat pergi. EVER.
Bukan dia datang Malaysia hari-hari =(
Cemburu dengan kawan-kawan saya yang pergi. Ok saya tak obses dengan dia, cuma i just want to know how is it like to be watching him live on stage.
Dahla. . tak dapat pegi nak buat macam mana. Just get over it
nak pegi Konsert Maher Zain!! Tahu tak sangat kecewa sebab saya tahu saya takkan dapat pergi. EVER.
Bukan dia datang Malaysia hari-hari =(
Cemburu dengan kawan-kawan saya yang pergi. Ok saya tak obses dengan dia, cuma i just want to know how is it like to be watching him live on stage.
Dahla. . tak dapat pegi nak buat macam mana. Just get over it
Friday, October 8, 2010
Mahu tahu lebih lanjut?
I just took a quiz. well it's not that i don't know myself better. it was just too curious to see if it would match my personality. so just did it. and unbelievable, they are quite accurate i must say. Jadi, takpayah saya elaborate panjang-panjang about myself. quiz tu dah buat summary siap-siap. =)
Mahirah adalah seorang yang...
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
mama, nak nikah dulu baru bercinta =)
Salam and hi everyone.
Cliche' title isn't it. I wanted to write about this a long time ago. It's quite a serious issue and i believe not many of us would agree to get married first before dating.
Of course as for me it's related more to religious aspects. Well, as muslims we are actually allowed to see and meet someone we like through a process called Taaruf. Which both parties will meet each other accompanied by their families or relatives. It will starts from a scratch to a continuous line. InsyaAllah, itu adalah Jodoh daripada Allah. :) Then we will see how it goes.

"kolot la awak ni, mana ada orang buat camtu zaman sekarang" i was so suprised that came out from my close friends. Fine kalau tak suka tapi jangan kita mempersendakan benda yang dah pasti benar. It's just an advice for myself and everyone =)
this is not a conventional way. I know we are living in the modern world or such but i believe that Islam suits any era.it's proven. kita sebagai manusia sahaja kadang-kadang lalai dan degil. we tend to forget to thank what the creator has given us..ia adalah seketul daging yang bernama hati. Everyday we have to clean it . of course clorox it's not the solution. kena selalu berzikir dan berdoa. Jauhi hasad dengki dan iri hati. InsyaAllah kalau hati kita bersih, kita tak akan mengeluh walau sedikit pon dengan dugaan atau kesusahan.Instead, we are getting stronger because we know that it would be worth the wait.
Me myself is not that perfect to follow everything but I'm trying here. My shield is not strong enough to resist the whisper of satan either. Everyone wants to be loved and to love. Have you ever fall in love with someone but never confess and it drives you crazy? It hurts seeing him/her loves somebody else. Tapi itu semua lumrah. Kalau lah dalam dunia ini semua orang belajar hadapi kenyataan. MESTI AMAN DUNIA.

Allah S.W.T berfirman, "Mungkin kamu menyukai sesuatu, tetapi amat buruk bagimu". Tak semestinya apa yang kita nak kita akan dapat.
Tapi, tak semua orang bole terima dengan hati yang tenang. That's why we have to take good care of our heart. Kalau ada sifat nak memiliki, itu tak bagus. Itu bukan cinta. Benar, semua orang nak berkahwin dengan pilihan hati sendiri. Jatuh cinta, bercinta, berdating, tgk movie,lepak-lepak. Tiba-tiba.."BREAK UP". Sedih. Frust. Why do we have to spend everything for the one that's not meant for us...?
Lagi manis kalau spend everything to your loved ones, i mean your husband or wife. Ini lepas kahwin terus stop dating. no more tengok wayang. no more makan bersuap.apa ni. kata sayang..kata cinta. You know why? Because you've already done almost everything before getting married. Cepat lah bosan. Not everyone i must say, but almost 60% husband & wife are like that.
Sometimes, ada juga mereka yang nak berkahwin tetapi dapat halangan parents. Hem, kenapa jadi macam ni. Sepatutnya sebagai orang tua, patut menyokong anak-anak. Pernikahan bukan nya sesuatu yang memalukan. Dengan alasannya muda lagi atau masih belum stabil. Allah dah berjanji, selepas berkahwin rezeki akan bertambah. Kenapa perlu risau pasal duit tak cukup. Kenapa perlu risau dengan kata-kata orang. Kenapa tak pernah consider Yang Maha Esa? Asalkan calonnya memenuhi syarat wajib berkahwin kan dah memadai. Saya masih tak faham dengan orang melayu yang terlalu mengikut adat dan membelakangi agama. =(
Ini adalah general sahaja. My own opinion. Because i also have experienced myself. In fact a lots of time. It's was not meant to be. Akhirnya sia-sia sahaja. Now i know why. Alhamdulillah that i'm strong enough to move on..yes deep inside still got the scar, InsyaAllah dengan Doa ia akan hilang dengan sendirinya. I believe that Allah has a better plan for me. Di mana ada kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan. =) Hopefully i'll be given a Man to be my lawfully wedded husband and He will complete my life in the world and hereafter. Amin
Cliche' title isn't it. I wanted to write about this a long time ago. It's quite a serious issue and i believe not many of us would agree to get married first before dating.
Of course as for me it's related more to religious aspects. Well, as muslims we are actually allowed to see and meet someone we like through a process called Taaruf. Which both parties will meet each other accompanied by their families or relatives. It will starts from a scratch to a continuous line. InsyaAllah, itu adalah Jodoh daripada Allah. :) Then we will see how it goes.

"kolot la awak ni, mana ada orang buat camtu zaman sekarang" i was so suprised that came out from my close friends. Fine kalau tak suka tapi jangan kita mempersendakan benda yang dah pasti benar. It's just an advice for myself and everyone =)
this is not a conventional way. I know we are living in the modern world or such but i believe that Islam suits any era.it's proven. kita sebagai manusia sahaja kadang-kadang lalai dan degil. we tend to forget to thank what the creator has given us..ia adalah seketul daging yang bernama hati. Everyday we have to clean it . of course clorox it's not the solution. kena selalu berzikir dan berdoa. Jauhi hasad dengki dan iri hati. InsyaAllah kalau hati kita bersih, kita tak akan mengeluh walau sedikit pon dengan dugaan atau kesusahan.Instead, we are getting stronger because we know that it would be worth the wait.
Me myself is not that perfect to follow everything but I'm trying here. My shield is not strong enough to resist the whisper of satan either. Everyone wants to be loved and to love. Have you ever fall in love with someone but never confess and it drives you crazy? It hurts seeing him/her loves somebody else. Tapi itu semua lumrah. Kalau lah dalam dunia ini semua orang belajar hadapi kenyataan. MESTI AMAN DUNIA.

Allah S.W.T berfirman, "Mungkin kamu menyukai sesuatu, tetapi amat buruk bagimu". Tak semestinya apa yang kita nak kita akan dapat.
Tapi, tak semua orang bole terima dengan hati yang tenang. That's why we have to take good care of our heart. Kalau ada sifat nak memiliki, itu tak bagus. Itu bukan cinta. Benar, semua orang nak berkahwin dengan pilihan hati sendiri. Jatuh cinta, bercinta, berdating, tgk movie,lepak-lepak. Tiba-tiba.."BREAK UP". Sedih. Frust. Why do we have to spend everything for the one that's not meant for us...?
Lagi manis kalau spend everything to your loved ones, i mean your husband or wife. Ini lepas kahwin terus stop dating. no more tengok wayang. no more makan bersuap.apa ni. kata sayang..kata cinta. You know why? Because you've already done almost everything before getting married. Cepat lah bosan. Not everyone i must say, but almost 60% husband & wife are like that.
Sometimes, ada juga mereka yang nak berkahwin tetapi dapat halangan parents. Hem, kenapa jadi macam ni. Sepatutnya sebagai orang tua, patut menyokong anak-anak. Pernikahan bukan nya sesuatu yang memalukan. Dengan alasannya muda lagi atau masih belum stabil. Allah dah berjanji, selepas berkahwin rezeki akan bertambah. Kenapa perlu risau pasal duit tak cukup. Kenapa perlu risau dengan kata-kata orang. Kenapa tak pernah consider Yang Maha Esa? Asalkan calonnya memenuhi syarat wajib berkahwin kan dah memadai. Saya masih tak faham dengan orang melayu yang terlalu mengikut adat dan membelakangi agama. =(
Ini adalah general sahaja. My own opinion. Because i also have experienced myself. In fact a lots of time. It's was not meant to be. Akhirnya sia-sia sahaja. Now i know why. Alhamdulillah that i'm strong enough to move on..yes deep inside still got the scar, InsyaAllah dengan Doa ia akan hilang dengan sendirinya. I believe that Allah has a better plan for me. Di mana ada kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan. =) Hopefully i'll be given a Man to be my lawfully wedded husband and He will complete my life in the world and hereafter. Amin
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Seven Hotel in the City of Love
I wish i had more money to stay a hotel like this. There are about 28 suits and they are decorated in 7 different ways such as James Bond and Alice in Wonderland.
Isn't that awesome?
It is located in PARIS. even if i were to go to Paris, i can't afford to stay at his hotel. Can you imagine.It would cost me a fortune. :P nice to see, never get to hold. unless saya tetibe dipinang oleh Putera Raja Norway ( one of the richest country) *ok cukup berangan* Mari kita lihat those awesome photos!
Isn't that awesome?
It is located in PARIS. even if i were to go to Paris, i can't afford to stay at his hotel. Can you imagine.It would cost me a fortune. :P nice to see, never get to hold. unless saya tetibe dipinang oleh Putera Raja Norway ( one of the richest country) *ok cukup berangan* Mari kita lihat those awesome photos!

ok nampak tak ape saya nampak.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
The Ultimate weapon for Muslims
"Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilaiya min khairin faqir”
maksudnya : “Wahai Tuhanku, Sesungguhnya aku ini kepada apa sahaja kebaikan yang Engkau turunkan amatlah fakir” (Surah al-Qasas 24).
Ini adalah doa Nabi Musa a.s kepada Allah S.W.T ketika sedang mengalami kesusahan yang amat sangat. Minta diringankan segala keperitan dan kesusahan kepada Tuhan yang Satu. InsyaAllah segala kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan.
Sekadar berkongsi buat sahabat di luar sana. :)
Sesungguhnya, senjata yang terbaik untuk umat Islam adalah Doa
maksudnya : “Wahai Tuhanku, Sesungguhnya aku ini kepada apa sahaja kebaikan yang Engkau turunkan amatlah fakir” (Surah al-Qasas 24).
Ini adalah doa Nabi Musa a.s kepada Allah S.W.T ketika sedang mengalami kesusahan yang amat sangat. Minta diringankan segala keperitan dan kesusahan kepada Tuhan yang Satu. InsyaAllah segala kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan.
Sekadar berkongsi buat sahabat di luar sana. :)
Sesungguhnya, senjata yang terbaik untuk umat Islam adalah Doa
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